Category: Air Travel

Pilotless planes…?

What would happen if a pilot – the captain or the second officer – became ill, incapacitated or even die? A problematic situation easily rectified. The remaining fit pilot is able to take the controls and land a plane single-handedly. They are trained for this kind of emergency in case it happens. However, there’s already talk of single-pilot and pilotless aircraft because of the foreseeable shortage of commercial pilots. The question is, what would happen then? Is it going to be fly-by-wire? If that’s the case then, will fly-by-wire be intercepted and hacked? I would rather know I have two pilots up front and, in worst case scenario one capable of flying the aircraft. If fly-by-wire is implemented it should only ever be part...

Bare Feet Etiquette On Planes

Shoes off…socks off…and where do bare feet end up? Armrests, backs off seats, tray tables, bulkheads, toilet floors… A practice that can be disgusting and a nuisance. In Business and First Class you are fine. You are your own boss there. In Economy it may be a whole lot different if you’re sharing seats with others. If you believe your feet are clean, that’s good. Then keeping them under the seat in front should be the sensible thing to do. If you are lucky enough to have three or four seats to yourself, perfect. You lie down and cover them up with a blanket, offending others will disappear. Armrests also protected. If socks are worn, even better. People will like you a lot more...

Items Stolen From Checked Luggage?

Well, when and where can thieves get to your luggage? Most logically when it is unattended and out of sight. I suppose after check-in before ending up in the cargo hold and as they come off the plane before they arrive at the luggage carousel. Basically anywhere while in transit. Where you aren’t around and can’t see them. Should luggage get ripped, broken open or damaged so the contents becomes exposed there’s always the chance someone will see what you have and may be tempted to appropriate your belongings. Obviously grabbing anything of value first. Of course this stuff shouldn’t be in checked-in lugagge in the first place. Checked-in luggage I always advise buying hard-shell framed luggage that have no zips. The ones made...

A Baby Named Jet Star

Baby born on plane named after the airline…could mean free flights for life or close to it. Timing the birth of babies can be most unexpected. An expectant mother delivered hers on a Jetstar Asia flight travelling from Singapore to Yangon, Myanmar. She went into labour moments after take-off and lucky for her, would you believe, there were three doctors from the one family on the flight. They helped the woman while the crew called for further medical assistance. Passengers on board clapped with joy welcoming the 2.9kg baby boy as the doctors assisted in the delivery. The mother overjoyed by the care she received from the airline then named her son “Saw Jet Star”. The airline has offered the family $AUD1000 worth of...

Air Quality Better In Business Class?

The simple answer is no. They breathe the same air as everyone else on board including the crew in the cockpit. What about flatulence? Well, this is something we all do. Some more than others and will depend on several factors: your state of health and your diet. If you’ve eaten something that will exasperate it, then there’s no chance of avoiding it. Since Business Class passengers do get to eat a wider variety of food, mostly the healthy kind during their stays in lounges pre flight and on board, there’s a possibility they’ll contribute more. Passengers in Economy – usually on tight budgets – may have a propensity to save their money during layovers making them more likely to eat less and perhaps...

Passengers Fleeing Burning Plane Cop Flack

And so they should…if they take their carry-ons with them! I understand people are too attached to their belongings but in an emergency situation when life – yours and others – is in serious danger the priority is to get to safety as quickly as possible. Carry-on bags should be your last thought. If you really need to take something with you, I’d suggest a bum bag (or as the Americans call it a fanny pack). This is perfect to store smartphone, passport, medications and some cash (but not required if you have credit/debit/travel cards). You should also have PDF copies of important documents on your smartphone. I make copies of all documents including tickets, reservations, insurance, etc. A bag as such is small...

Nightmare face to face airline seats revealed

Airline industry seat supplier Zodiac Seats France wants to introduce alternating forward and backward facing seats, placed side-by-side. This seating configuration has been referred to as awkward, nightmarish, hellish and even evil! A lot of hate for these seats and I don’t blame those who’ve made these comments. I’ve got a different take on these. I see them as a safety concern. I really wonder whether they have seriously tested this in an emergency situation. Whether passengers will be disorientated in an evacuation, especially if the cabin is full of smoke. It only takes a few to lose their sense of direction and confusion and panic to set in and we’ll have a disaster. I’m not sold on this idea of people sitting in...

Watch your homonyms and homophones when travelling

Ended up in the wrong town, city or country? Did you check the name and spelling of the place where you were suppose to go to? Did you board the wrong flight? Well this can easily happen if you don’t research your travels as you should and check (possibly double check) your airticket/boarding pass. There have been many cases of travellers ending up at the wrong destination because placenames are either identical or sound the same but spelt differently. Sometimes at no fault of their own. Airlines and travel agents have also been known to make the mistake. In one case a couple ended up on the wrong continent over confusing airport codes. In other mix-ups people book same sounding place names like Guyana...

Are aircraft cabins clean?

Michael Gebicki is correct in saying it’s only a quick tidy-up when there’s a short turnaround. The best cleaning is done during the longer layovers in the airlines’ respective hubs. So yes, do take your sanitiser wipes with you into the cabin. You’ll need them sooner or later for the trays, armrests, lavatory door handles, etc. As for the air breathed. I wouldn’t worry too much. There’s no more germs in the air than what you’ll find in any other crowded space. The pilots also breathe the same air as the passengers so it can’t be all that bad! What is noticeable though is the dryness of the air. This cannot be avoided as condensation from humidity can corrode the airframe. Newer planes such...