Tagged: packing

Packing Cubes: Don’t Pack Without Them

These luggage accessories have been very popular with travellers and are definitely one of the best bits of travel kit you can buy. Trying to jam-pack luggage with clothes, shoes and other travel bits and pieces in an orderly fashion and trying to save space at the same time is something we all try to do. Particularly in roller cases, whether large or cabin-sized, soft or hard. The solution is simple, separate everything into the self-contained zippable cube-shaped compartments and slip them snuggly into your luggage. Everything organised and space saved. Sounds great? You bet. You not only separate clothes from shoes and other accessories like toilettries, charging cables, jewellry, etc., but you can sort them into categories, like: by what matches, by destination,...

Luggage and Packing

Researching travel can be fun but knowing what to pack, how to pack and what kind of lugagge to use, can test your thinking process, patience and consume plenty of your time. Definitely one of the most frustrating moments in planning travel. But…there is a simple solution. First you need to work out how long you will be away from home, the climate(s) and the weather you will be expecting and in what environment you’ll be doing your travels. This will sort out what kind of clothes and shoes you’ll require and perhaps any accessories and other items. Then you can work out what size and sort of luggage is best and lastly how to pack things. When done right the same principles will...

Travel Planning

The best way to build up travel expectations is to plan things yourself…my opinion. Visiting and experiencing new places is exciting, but before getting there one has to plan. I find the organising and planning of travel inspiring. It gets me dreaming and itching to go. I like to research and plan on my own. So, I’ll scour the internet for all the info I can find on the place(s) I’ll be visiting and how I’ll get there and spend my time. Of course, I could get a travel consultant to do all the work but that would take away the fun of doing things myself and build up that expectation I mentioned in my introduction quote. Planning is not as hard as one...