Category: Tips & Advice

Items Stolen From Checked Luggage?

Well, when and where can thieves get to your luggage? Most logically when it is unattended and out of sight. I suppose after check-in before ending up in the cargo hold and as they come off the plane before they arrive at the luggage carousel. Basically anywhere while in transit. Where you aren’t around and can’t see them. Should luggage get ripped, broken open or damaged so the contents becomes exposed there’s always the chance someone will see what you have and may be tempted to appropriate your belongings. Obviously grabbing anything of value first. Of course this stuff shouldn’t be in checked-in lugagge in the first place. Checked-in luggage I always advise buying hard-shell framed luggage that have no zips. The ones made...

Stress free family holiday? Go cruising!

There was a time when cruising was synonymous with elderly retired couples – But that’s not the case any more, says Travel Weekly. Cruising is a great way to have a family holiday. The unpacking once and getting down to relaxation is one of the best reasons for going on a cruise. Besides the food, entertainment and all the amenities of a luxury hotel, you get to see different ports and countries while you are at it. If you must fly long-haul to get to your cruise port I would suggest not taking toddlers. I don’t see the value of taking kids at that age. They won’t remember anything. Kindergarten age, 4-5 years up is fine. My choice of cruise line? Disney Cruises. They...

Purchasing Foreign Currency

If you intend to take cash with you on your next trip and want the best rates, don’t go purchase your foreign currency from banks, Travelex or AusPost. They all take a commission. Instead go to the foreign exchange dealers. Where you’ll get a better deal on the rate minus the commission. In Adelaide we have several very competitive exchanges: UAE Exchange (now Unimoni)*, FX Foreign Xchange, Worldex and First Eastern FX. They can all be very flexible. So check a few rates and go and negotiate. Personally I’ve dealt with three of these but I know First Eastern FX is also highly recommended (contributor Peter Katsambis vouches for this). My first preference to buy and exchange foreign currency is FX Foreign Xchange. Call...