Travel Bug; Is there such a thing?

Yes, but it is not a real bug, or a disease or some other ailment. It is an urge, a feeling that comes over you and lingers in your body for a while. It’s there after you’ve returned back home to the everyday repetitive routines that makes life what it is.

This mental state enacts itself just after the first withdrawal symptoms. We all get this as soon as we realise our travel adventure is over. Some get it on the return flight home. Others when they open the front door and realise they are back to what they had escaped. No matter how, it hits you, and then…the so called “travel bug” bites. The urge to get back to travelling and the feeling you belong elsewhere; back on a plane flying somewhere you never been to before, a cruise ship cruising in the sun, a fast train to a new city, a bus tour to ancient ruins or hiking, walking or other adventure activity in mountains, snow or whatever else nature throws at you.

Being away from home, seeing new places, exploring, meeting new people, eating new foods, living how they live and immersing oneself into other cultures and learning the history. The sense of adventure and exploration has always been with us. As humans we are not meant to be surrounded by four-walls for long. Even just leaving the house, walking down the street and going around the corner can be an experience. A liberating one of freedom. It alleviates the cycle of mundanity and boredom. Imagine going farther? As they say, half the fun is getting there. That too is travel.

What’s the remedy?

In my opinion, the sooner one starts to plan a new travel adventure the better. Strike the iron while it is hot. Plan 12-18 months ahead. Keep that fire burning and don’t wait too long. Do things while everything is still fresh in the mind and in your muscles. Even if you don’t travel frequently it is good to do this as it makes planning much easier. You then can decide if you are able to travel in 6, 12, 18 or 24 months time. I’ve done this many times in the past and it has always worked out better. Within a week back home I start thinking where I could go even if it is the same place I just came back from and plan. By doing it early you also save money with flights and accommodation.

When the travel urge starts to wane, inspiration goes too. So if there is nothing to inspire you planning becomes harder and you’ll need to be encouraged. You may need an external force to help you get there. Perhaps a travel consultant or a travel brochure. Both will make you dream and visualise what your travel will be like. The visual aspect is very important, this is why I say while the memory is still fresh in your mind. Imagery has a powerful effect just like dreams. That’s part of the travel bug, when it bites the urge becomes hard to fight.

Start planning. Happy travels.

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