Monthly Archive: October 2023

Tipping, When, How and Whom?

When is the right time to tip and how much and who should benefit? I’ve had several experiences with tipping. Not a lot but they were in different situations. Tipping just doesn’t only happen after been given great service. It can also be an incentive to get better service, perhaps even again and again. In the right places tipping can make a difference…

Petitions, Polls and Surveys

We have two petitions and a poll running currently. One petition asking Aegean Airlines to consider a service to Singapore and the other asking Singapore Airlines to expand their services to Adelaide. Click the heading and visit the posts and sign the petition(s). After signing you’ll receive an email. Make sure you confirm receiving it. If not your signature will not be counted. You can also leave a comment. We also have a poll regarding Qatar Airways whether they should be allowed to increase their flights to and from Australia. Thank you.