Tagged: TripIt

Travel Planning

The best way to build up travel expectations is to plan things yourself…my opinion. Visiting and experiencing new places is exciting, but before getting there one has to plan. I find the organising and planning of travel inspiring. It gets me dreaming and itching to go. I like to research and plan on my own. So, I’ll scour the internet for all the info I can find on the place(s) I’ll be visiting and how I’ll get there and spend my time. Of course, I could get a travel consultant to do all the work but that would take away the fun of doing things myself and build up that expectation I mentioned in my introduction quote. Planning is not as hard as one...

Making tavel easier with smartphone apps, but do they?

There are some apps that are very useful while travelling and make the experience less of a worry and others that are just a waste of space. Traveller.com.au in a recent article mentioned ten apps that should make that easier. Here’s the list: Of all these apps the one that stands out the most is TripIt, which is free. There is also a paid version, TripIt Pro, but the free version has many of the bells and whistles that’s required to keep your travel plans in order. I’ve used TripIt and it’s great, but I’ve come to like another very similar app, TripCase (from Sabre), which is totally free and does not require a pro version. If you travel a lot and in particular...