Tagged: quarantine

Snippets: Have We Forgotten How To Travel?

…Flew to Europe and realised I’ve forgotten how to travel With mandates and restrictions easying or withdrawn and some normality coming back to travel after about two years, have we forgotten how to actually go about our favourite leisure passtime? The question was implied in a recent article with the writer going through the motions, feeling excited, nervous, anxious and confused. Forgetting how to pack when he was always ready at a moments notice, having bags pre-packed. He was trying to figure out what he needed. I don’t blame him especially for someone who travels to earn a crust. Packing is one of the most frustrating things. He didn’t need this extra aggravation. He goes on to explain he has forgotten how things were:...

Changi Airport COVID-19 Arrival Rules

I knew things wouldn’t be easy for international travellers with all the COVID restrictions, mandates and directives, which aren’t all the same everywhere, but after watching the YouTube video “Guide to on-arrival procedures at Changi Airport” released (on December 9) by Changi Airport, it truly demoralised me. It put me off travelling to Singapore, a place I love visiting. Now these are the rules required for entry into Singapore and not for those in transit at the airport which I understand are more relaxed, however there’s no mention what happens if someone tests positive and has to quarantine. Where will they do this, if it is a specified hotel(s) or in a purpose built facility and how long for and how much it is...