Category: Hotels & Resorts

Hotel Etiquette

When staying at someone else’s house, perhaps a relative’s or friend’s place, do you respect the house rules? Do you behave accordingly? As a guest you will follow a few rules. Some are written, others are just commonsense but they are all rules a person with some decency would respect. These are the same kind of rules you would expect at home, so why can’t staying in hotels be the same for a few? We’ve already seen how bad etiquette can impact air travel so I thought let’s explore what is good and bad etiquette while staying at a hotel or other accommodation. Logically we’ll start and finish at the hotel door, checking-in and checking-out. Lobby and Front Desk First contact; where it is...

Hilton HHonors Launches New Membership Cards

Hilton HHonors has introduced new membership cards showcasing well known landmarks in four countries: India, China, UK and the United States of America. Perhaps views of some of their best hotels would have been better. Anyhow, what really matters to guests is that the name and number can be seen clearly. The rest is eye candy. Not sure why they ditched the old design, which wasn’t bad, and connected the value of each status level to landmarks belonging to these four countries. Interesting the highest status level of Diamond has been assigned to the USA. Would we expect anything else with Hilton being an American company? Physical loyalty cards are nice to have, but when they are too many they become a pain in...