About Us

Who are we?

TravelCommentator is a bunch of guys who like to travel, who have opinions, reviews advice and tips to share.

What do we write about?

Basically anything related to travel.

Do we accept contributions?

Yes. We welcome your opinion, comments, personal experiences, feature articles and industry news.

Do we promote products?

Yes. If you have a travel related product we would be glad to do a review.

Are we a forum?

TravelCommentator is not a forum. We never intended it to be a place of backwards and forwards discussion. There’s a limited amount of room for commentary. So, adhering to the topic in question is very much recommended.


We’ll cover anything on travel as mentioned, It can be: air travel, cruising, touring, accommodation, desitinations, events, travel gear, travel apps, industry news, etc. If you wish to comment or contribute, or have a travel related product to promote, or are in doubt about subject matter to cover, do contact us. We would be very glad to assist and of course, publish your thoughts or product.

Kind regards
