Security at Australian airports, sensible or neurotic?

Show of force and heavy handed security is not required at airports.
Perhaps even paranoid…Anyhow, governments know security can be done covertly, but they prefer to be seen doing something and the best way is to show who’s boss. That’s why you get screened, scanned, x-rayed, proded and body searched.
Only foolish terrorists will get caught, just like drug mules and users who think they can import illegal substances through immigration and customs. Terrorists don’t need to board planes to cause mayhem. They can do this anywhere on airport property and not pass any security checks at all. That’s the worrying thing. They will come up with new ways of causing death and destruction. Real security should start way before anyone gets near an airport.
This is why keeping lists of possible terrorists and a register of who buys bomb making materials is a very good start.
Governments need to focus their attention there and then give the authorities: ASIO, AFP, Customs/Border Protection and local Police what they need to do their job. The best security is the one you don’t see.
Comments are referred to an article in titled Is Australian airport security sensibly cautious or overly neurotic?