Snippets: Lying Down Across Economy Seats Not Recommended

Don’t lie down across empty economy seats…

In a letter response to an article mentioning passengers appropriating themselves empty seats and lying down across them in rows of three or four, an aeronautical engineer made his concerns known that it was dangerous to do so as passengers could not restrain themselves properly and in turbulence could be launched from their seats.

He also wrote passengers should not switch seats without the FAs being informed as they could upset the aircraft’s trim.

Name of letter writer witheld…says there’s no way one can be restrained properly lying across three or four seats. Depends what is meant by properly. I’ve done it by attaching the straps closest to each other from two seats. The strap with the buckle from one seat to the strap with the catch in the other and then wrapping it around me (my waist). It can be done. If you are a large person ask for an extension (or bring one with you). As for passengers switching seats, you need a fair few to upset aircraft trim and that would be more likely at take-off or landing but not while cruising.

This comment was not published. Not sure why. I doubt it was the writer of the original article as he was advocating people grab empty seats to lie down across (as he has done the same). Can only say it was the editor. But it goes to show that there are ignorant people at online newspapers and they don’t like simple tips like these to be known.

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